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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! There are two classes in Year 5 this year. Anemones are taught by Mrs Gooding and Miss Bell and Dahlias are taught by Miss Flower and Mr Litson. Our HLTA is Mrs McSkimming and Mrs Pollock is our Key Worker. On this page, you will find useful information about Year 5 including home learning, Forest School dates and PE days.  

At the bottom of this page are links to Curriculum content and photos of work completed in school.  

Home learning 

Your child will be issued with a home learning grid at the beginning of each term. A copy of the grid can be found at the bottom of the page. The grid consists of 9 tasks with one task needing to be completed each week.

Home Learning is due in on Wednesday of each week and books will be returned on Friday.                      

One piece of Home Learning will be marked each week.                      

Some tasks are compulsory, meaning that you need to complete them. These are marked with a *

In addition to handing in at least one piece of homework each week, you should be regularly using Reading Eggs and Times Tables Rockstars.

Forest School

We will let you know when our Forest School sessions will take place. 

On their Forest School days, children should be dressed in their school shirt and jumper/cardigan and jogging bottoms or sports leggings (shorts are not suitable for Forest School).

Children MUST have suitable footwear such as wellies or trainers, which you do not mind getting muddy. If it is wet, a coat or waterproof jacket will be needed. It may be cold, so please bring a hat, gloves and wear extra layers to keep warm.  


Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure that you wear suitable PE kit in school on these days. 

Suitable PE kit is a white t-shirt, school PE shirt or house t-shirt and dark shorts or dark joggers, dark sweatshirt and trainers. 

If you have pierced ears, you will need to remove your earrings or bring in some tape to cover them during PE. If your hair is longer than shoulder-length, it must be tied back.


“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”  Plato.

We would like you to try to read at home every day. You can read to yourself or to an adult. Please make sure that you bring your book to school each day. This could be a book from home or one you have borrowed from school - make  sure you choose something that interests and excites you!

The following website has lots of brilliant ideas to inspire you:

Water bottles

It is important that to stay hydrated, so please remember to bring in a named water bottle. You can bring in a snack for break time. Please remember that snacks must be fresh fruit or vegetables.

Dressing for the weather!

As all our windows and doors are open at all times, it can get chilly in the classroom sometimes, even on summer days. Please ensure that your child always has their jumper or cardigan with them. 

As we move into autumn and winter, please ensure that your child has a suitable coat with them as we always try to go outside at break times unless it is raining heavily.