ODBST Scheme of Delegation
The Local Governing Body of St Mary's CE School
ODBST (Oxford Diocese Bucks Schools Trust) is governed by a Board of Trustees who is responsible for overseeing the management and administration of ODBST and all the academies run by it including St Mary's. The Trustees are accountable to external government agencies including the Charity Commission and the Department for Education for the quality of education they provide. They are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, safety and good practice. As St Mary's is a Church of England school the Trustees are also accountable for ensuring that the academy provides an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. In order to discharge these responsibilities the Trustees appoint people who are locally based to serve on a local governing body which has been established to ensure the good governance of the school.
The strategic functions of the governing body are ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction: holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of the staff: overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The governing body is made up of 12 members and with the exception of the Head Teacher governors all hold office for a period of four years.
On conversion to an academy within the ODBST on 1st April 2020 all governors’ terms of office came to an end. All were reappointed as members of the Local governing body at that time and it was agreed that the expiry date of the original term of office would be observed to facilitate orderly succession planning.
ODBST Trust Board
We are members of the Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust, and the governance of the Trust belongs to the main ODBST Board of Trustees. Above is our Scheme of Delegation. This also includes our Constitution and Terms of Reference. Paper copies can be obtained through the school office or by using the contact us option on this website. You can also find details of the Trust Board and details of our Trust Governance by clicking the link (to ODBST website)
The Clerk to the Local Governing Body is Carole Green and can be contacted by email:
Our Local Governing Body Governors (LGB) 2024-2025 are as follows:
If spaces are shown in the table below, this indicates places within the constitution which can optionally be filled. Where vacancies are shown this indicates places within the constitution which should be filled.
First name | Surname | Governor Type | Terms of office |
Sue | Newling | Chair of Governors | 06/03/2023-05/03/2027 |
Aiysha | Ilyas | Staff | 14/07/2021-13/07/2025 |
Sukeshinie | Ravinthirakumar | Parent | 19/05/2022-18/05/2026 |
Lisa | Bennett | Headteacher | 01/09/2023 |
Matthew | Hagger | Foundation Diocesan Board | 06/03/2023-05/03/2027 |
Hayley | Boyle | Skills | 16/11/2023-15/11/2027 |
Sheri | Irons | Skills | 06/12/2023-05/12/2027 |
Vacancy | Skills | ||
Joseph | O'Neill | Foundation Diocesan Board | 19/11/2024-18/11/2028 |
Lucy | Poland-Goodyer | Parent | 07/07/2024-06/07/2028 |
Mark | Goodman | Parent | 15/08/2024-14/08/2028 |
Laura | Pritchard | Skills | 19/09/2024-18/09/2028 |
Resigned Governors (Last 12 months)
- Mr David Hood (March 2024)
- Mrs Helen Webster (December 2024)
Committee Structure
The St Mary's CE School Local Governing Body shall have the following 12 members:
- 3 Foundation LGB Members
- 1 Staff LGB Member
- 3 Parent LGB Members elected by parents of registered pupils at the school
- The headteacher
- 4 Skills LGB Members
There is also the Clerk, who is an integral part of the governing body, although not entitled to vote. The clerk's role is to minute meetings, prepare agendas and give advice on the regulatory and administrative framework that governors work within.
The Governing Body meets six times annually, once each 1/2 term.
The Governing Body occasionally more frequently if there is urgent business that needs attention.
The agendas and minutes of all Governing Body meetings are available to read in school.
What do Governors do?
The role of Governors is to manage the school with a view to providing the best possible education and educational opportunities for all the pupils.
This involves:
- Setting the strategic direction for the school;
- Taking corporate decisions in relation to the statutory functions of the Governoring Body
Governors all are volunteers and given up their own time to carry out the above role.
Governors make collective decisions. Our main purpose is to help raise the educational standards and performance of St Mary's School by challenging and supporting the work of the Headteacher and school staff. We ensure that the school runs effectively, that quality teaching and learning is happening across the school, that the budget is spent wisely and that St Mary's provides good value for money.
We make strategic decisions on how the school is run and are answerable to parents, the wider community and most importantly the children who attend St Mary's. We govern rather than manage, giving direction and focus. The management of the school remains the responsibility of the Headteacher. We are responsible for:
- Appointing senior staff and ensuring the implementation of a range of personnel procedures.
- Managing the school's budget.
- Determining aims, policies and priorities for St Mary's.
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school and targets.
- Ensuring high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour.
- Ensuring that all children in the school have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, suitable to age, aptitude and ability, which prepares them for adult life.
- Ensuring the health and safety of pupils and staff.
Governor’s play an important & valuable and role in the support of our school. They are volunteers who give up their spare time and experience to help maintain and improve the school for the children.
The Governing Body meets regularly either in sub-committee or full governing body meeting. The governors also work closely with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and school staff.
The responsibility for the actions and decisions of the governing body lies with the whole governing body not with individual governors.
All governors are required to undertake regular training provided to enable them to exercise their duties effectively. This is a vital part of being a governor enabling us to keep up to date with changes across all areas of education provision.
Meet the Governors
Sue Newling
Chair of Governors
I have been a school governor for over 30 years. I was a governor at the original St Mary's site. In 1995, my husband and I visited the school in a horse drawn carriage dressed as Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
I am interested in all aspects of school life, but I do have a special interest in PE especially swimming.
Lisa Bennett
By virtue of my appointment as headteacher I am a voting member of the governing body St Mary's and I attend all meetings of the full governing body and the committees.
Aiysha Ilyas
Staff Governor
I started working at St Mary's in 2017 as I took on the role of a Teaching Assistant. After gaining some experience in a school setting, I completed an Initial Teacher Training course where I was based at St Mary's as my main placement school. Once I had completed my training, I became a class teacher in Year 4. I am now in my third year of teaching in Year 4 as well as PSHE lead. I have gained a considerable amount of experience during my time at St Mary's from the opportunities I have had. I look forward to supporting the school in this new role.
Sukeshinie Ravinthirakumar
Parent Governor
I am mum of two, and live in Aylesbury. My elder son, who has additional needs, joined the school in September 2021 and is enjoying his days in primary. I am an MBA and MSC in Supply chain holder, and have been in managerial roles for more than 15 years with different fashion brands. My current role as a business process manager, expanded my views wider in a more strategic way. I am particularly keen to ensure that all children are safeguarded well and can fulfil their full potential whatever their background, special educational needs, or disabilities.
Matthew Haggar
Foundation Governor
I have a background in science having studied physics at Imperial College London. I work as a senior scientist in a lab where I have been based for over 16 years. I have expertise in systems planning and analysis, project management, H&S, risk management and operating procedures. As a practicing Christian I will promote the Christian ethos and values of the school, bringing these to any activity I engage with, and as a governor I will look to how these are embedded to enable pupils to flourish. As a foundation governor I will support SIAMS assisting the school to comply to all and every requirement under section 48 of the Education Act 2005.
Hayley Boyle
Skills Governor
I am a parent to children at St Mary’s hence my passion to ensure a holistic and safe environment for the children to learn and grow. Having worked in education, the Local Authority's SEND team and now for Children's Social Care Complaints, I have a varied background which I feel will be great starting points to help support the school.
Sheri Irons
Skills Governor
I am a local business owner who has many years of experience to offer. I started my career in Health and Safety and Human Resources in the construction industry. I have lived and worked in many places around the world like South Africa, Republic of Ireland and in the UK.
I want to be a governor of a school as I love sharing and growing and supporting people. I believe that by sharing my knowledge and experience it is my way of giving back to my community. I am very keen and excited to see how I can help.
Laura Pritchard
Skills Governor
I have two daughters at St Mary’s and am inspired by the values and ethos of the school. As a governor, I hope to support the continuation of this environment.
I work as a Financial Controller and also look forward to bringing my experience to support this essential function in the school.
Lucy Poland-Goodyer
Parents Governor
I have a son at St Mary's who is enjoying being at school, and I recognise how the values and ethos of the school are embedded in day-to-day learning.
I work as a Commissioning Manager ensuring commissioned services are delivered to a high quality and provide value for money, using data to demonstrate outcomes and identify ways to improve. I will bring these skills and others to the role of a governor.
Mark Goodman
Parent Governor
St Mary's Church of England School
Meeting Attendance 2022-23
Y = Attendance, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = Apologies Sent, ? Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required
Governor |
Governor Type |
14 Nov 2022 |
23 Jan 2023 |
13 Mar 2023 |
15 May 2023 |
17 Jul 2023 |
19 Jul 2023 |
Mrs Lisa Bennett |
Deputy Headteacher from 1.1.2023 |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Mrs Sarah Biswell |
Resigned 31.3.2023 |
Y |
Y |
N |
Mr Robert Brown |
Resigned 23.1.2023 |
N |
Mr Matthew Hagger |
Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed from 6.3.2023 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mr David Hood |
Skills Governor from 5.1.2023 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Rev Anthony Howells |
Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
NS |
Miss Aiysha Ilyas |
Staff governor |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mr David Liddle |
Headteacher |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
Michael Mill |
Trustee |
Y |
N |
Y |
Mrs Matilda Moss |
Parent governor |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mrs Sue Newling |
Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed from 6.3.2023 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Ms Sukeshinie Ravinthirakumar |
Parent governor |
N |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
St Mary's Church of England School
Declaration of Interest
This report contains the Declaration of Interests for:
- Current governors
- Historical governors
Current Governors
Member | Confirmed | Entity | Nature | Notes | From | To |
Sue Newling chair of governors |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 23 Sep 2024 |
Miss Aiysha Ilyas staff governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 11 Sep 2024 |
Sukeshinie Ravinthirakumar parent governor |
Lisa Bennett headteacher |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 27 Sep 2023 |
Matthew Hagger foundation governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 26 Sept 2024 |
Hayley Boyle skills governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 26 Sep 2024 |
Sheri Irons vice chair & skills governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 23 Sep 2024 |
Lucy Poland-Goodyer parent governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 13 Oct 2024 |
Mark Goodman parent governor |
Declaration Confirmed 13 Oct 2024 |
Self | PTA Member | |||
Laura Pritchard skills governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 25 Sep 2024 |
Historical Governors
Member | Confirmed | Entity | Nature | Notes | From | To |
David Hood skills governor |
Nothing to declare: Confirmed 27 Sep 2023 |
Helen Webster skills governor |
Nothing to declare: |
The Governing Body uses annual surveys to help them understand what all stakeholders have to say.
The GB takes on board all stakeholders’ views to keep improving the school for the benefit of the children’s education.
It also allows us to recognise what the school does well.