- Complaints and Resolutions Policy
- Charges and remissions policy
- Data protection policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Freedom of Information Requests
Behaviour and Schooling
- Pupil Attendance Policy & Procedure
- Behaviour policy
- Suspensions and exclusions policy
- Permanent exclusions and suspensions in England
- Anti-bullying policy
Teaching and Learning
- SMA ODBST Relationships and Sex Education Policy
- Collective Worship Policy
- Home learning policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
Safeguarding and Inclusion
- Keeping children safe in education 2024
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Pupil Collection Statement -
As a school we follow the following statement for collection of pupils from our setting which the usual parent/carer is unable to get to school for the 3:20pm collection or in a circumstance where the child needs collecting early.
The named parent/carer will need to contact the school office ideally by e-mail with the collection arrangements for that day.
The office team will check the e-mail or phone call is from the e-mail address or phone number linked to a named parent/carer on our MIS, so please ensure your keep your records up to date. This information will be passed the message to the class teacher.
Collections are only to be by a person over the age of 16. While it is legal for under 16’s to collect we believe this is the best way to safeguard the children at our setting. This means any children who are able to walk home in year 5 & 6 will not be able to take younger sibling’s home.
- Pupil Collection Statement -
- SEND Policy
- Nappy Changing Policy
- Looked after Children Policy
- SMA ODBST Equality and Diversity Policy Oct 2022
- Gender Identity Policy
- ODBST Gender Pay Gap Data
- Dealing with allegations and low level concerns about adults working in school
- E-Safety Policy
- Use of Force Policy
- Supporting Children with Medical Needs
- Accessibility Plan
- Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School
- PP Grant Report 2024-25
- St Marys CE School DETERMINED Admissions Policy from Sept 2026-2027
- St Marys CE School DETERMINED Admissions Policy from Sept 2025-2026
- St Marys CE School DETERMINED Admissions Policy from Sept 2024-2025