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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

This year, the two classes are taught by Mrs Richards (Azaleas) and Miss Stott (Camelias). We will be supported by Mrs Clark, Mrs White, Miss Blackmore, Miss Tahir and Miss Ahmed.

On this page you will find lots of information about what to expect in Year 6, including the topics you will be studying, what you need to remember, and photos of our learning so far.

Below is the presentation about Y6 that we shared with parents in July.  Please do not hesitate to contact us via the office or in person after school if you need to speak to us about anything.

Home Learning

Home learning will continue to work in the same way it did last term. Your child will have a choice of different activities, of which they are to complete a varying number, depending on the term, but roughly one per week.

Home learning is due in on Wednesday of each week and books will be returned on Friday. One piece of home learning will be marked each week. Some tasks are compulsory, meaning that you need to complete them. These are marked with a ***.

In addition to handing in at least one piece of home learning each week, you should be regularly using Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars.


This year, both classes will have PE on Wednesday afternoon and Game On on Friday afternoon. All children should come to school in PE kit on those days.

If you have your ears pierced, studs will need to be removed or covered with tape; hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back. Please click here for further information on what your PE kit should consist of.

Forest School

This year we will be having regular Forest School sessions. We will keep this page updated with dates of any Forest School sessions we have planned.

When there is a Forest School session, children should come to school in school jumper and t-shirt but with suitable shoes and trousers. In wet weather, children should bring in a change of shoes (e.g. wellies)


It is important that you stay hydrated, so please remember to bring in a named water bottle. A break time snack can be brought in, but it must be fresh fruit or vegetables.


We would like you to try and read at home every day, either to yourself or to an adult; make sure you are choosing a book that challenges and interests you, and that you bring it with you to school each day. The following website has lots of recommendations for brilliant children's books:

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 | The Reader Teacher

"I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book." - J.K Rowling

Times Table Rockstars

All the children now have a Times Tables Rockstars account - login details have been sent home with an information letter, and are also stuck into the front of your child's Maths homework book. We would like the children to use TTRS at least twice a week for around 20 minutes. 

TT Rockstars Login Page