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2024: Autumn 1 Home Learning



Thomas Edison

Nikola Tesla

Alessandro Volta

Michael Faraday




You have two options for History: considering wartime recipes or visiting the memorial garden to a local war hero. 

This half term, our English writing is linked to a novel about the Kindertransport.  Later in the term, we will be learning about a local war hero – Sir Nicholas Winton – who played a vital role in the rescue of 669 of Jewish children as part of the Kindertransport.  In Maidenhead, where he lived, there is a memorial garden at Oaken Grove Park.  Perhaps you and your family would like to visit.  It is about a 40-minute drive from Aylesbury and free to visit.   There you could look at the layout of the park – why do you think railway sleepers have been used for the footpaths?  Can you find any quotes that Sir Nicholas Winton has said?  Why do you think that these quotes have been used?

See the link for more details:

Below is information about wartime recipes.