English - Newspaper Report
The lessons this week follow on from those started last week on newspaper reports. If you were in school last week and did not complete the lessons online, then you may want to complete lesson 2 from last week on gathering evidence for a newspaper. (You can get to it on the link below) After that, you can complete the lessons for this week.
Lesson 1 - To write the opening paragraph
Click on the link and complete the tasks within the video, pausing the video as instructed to allow you to do so. You will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this lesson.
Lesson 2 - To recount events
Click on the link and complete the tasks within the video, pausing the video as instructed to allow you to do so. You will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this lesson.
Lesson 3 - To write a recount
Click on the link and complete the tasks within the video, pausing the video as instructed to allow you to do so. You will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this lesson along with your plans from yesterday.
Lesson 4 - To edit a recount
Click on the link and complete the tasks within the video, pausing the video as instructed to allow you to do so. You will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this lesson along with your work from yesterday.
Lesson 5 - To practise speech punctuation
Click on the link and complete the tasks within the video, pausing the video as instructed to allow you to do so. You will need a pen or pencil and paper to complete this lesson.