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A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it’s own wings. Always believe in yourself.


At St. Mary's our Christian values underpin our ethos; every child is valued and encouraged to achieve their full potential and the best possible outcomes, including the Most Able and SEND pupils. Every member of our school community is encouraged to respect and value each other. 

Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) are an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. From Summer 2021, the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSE) curriculum has been introduced. Through a planned programme of learning, we aim to provide all our pupils with the appropriate level of knowledge, understanding and skills that they need in order to manage their lives both now and in the future. Our pupils are provided with the opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities, develop an understanding of our ever-changing diverse world with a strong emphasis on emotional and physical well-being, building resilience; through this we aim for all our pupils to be aware what to do to keep themselves safe, and to consider who they could turn to for support. As part of a whole school approach, we aim to develop the attributes of all our pupils to thrive as individuals, as part of a family and as a confident member of the wider community, at their own level. 

‘A lot of the time PSHE teaches you how to deal with situations that you may come across in your life so it is very important because it helps you to know what to do if it’s something that happens to you’

- Year 6 pupil.

Children's Mental Health Week: Thank you for all the effort put into this week. It’s sparked some great conversations at home about self belief. Coming in dressed up was the icing on the cake and as well as being great fun made her think about individuality and self confidence. 

- Parent


PSHE is taught weekly through a planned programme of work that follows the Curriculum Overview below set out by the PSHE Association. St Mary’s also use the Christopher Winter scheme of work to deliver the relationships and sex education (RSE) strand of the PSHE curriculum which enables age appropriate aspects of RSE to be delivered in each year group. All PSHE and RSE lessons will be delivered in a manner that is deemed appropriate by the class teacher for the class in question ensuring that all content will be made accessible to all children, including those with SEND. The overview below shows when the six key areas are taught in each year group as well as when the RSE lessons are taught.  

We use the Christopher Winter scheme of work to deliver the RSE strands of the curriculum which enables age appropriate aspects of RSE to be delivered in each year group. In the Curriculum Overview above, it is highlighted what term the RSE lessons would be taught. The units covered are as follows: 

Reception: Our Lives 

  • Our Day 

  • Keeping Ourselves Clean 

  • Families 

Year 1: Growing and Caring for Ourselves 

  • Keeping Clean 

  • Growing and Changing 

  • Families and Care 

Year 2: Differences 

  • Differences: Boys and Girls 

  • Differences: Male and Female 

  • Naming Body Parts 

Year 3: Valuing Difference and Keeping Safe 

  • Differences: Male and Female 

  • Personal Space 

  • Family Differences 

Year 4: Growing Up 

  • Growing and Changing 

  • What is Puberty? 

  • Puberty Changes and Reproduction 

Year 5: Puberty 

  • Talking about Puberty 

  • Male and Female Changes 

  • Puberty and Hygiene 

Year 6: Puberty, Relationships and Reproduction 

  • Puberty and Reproduction 

  • Understanding Relationships 

  • Conception and Pregnancy 

  • Communication in relationships. 

Year 5/6: Additional Units:  

  • FGM  

  • Respect and Equality 


At St Mary’s CE School assessment is an integral part of the teaching process. Assessment is used to inform planning and to facilitate differentiation. The assessment of children’s work is on-going to ensure that understanding is being achieved and that progress is being made. Feedback is given to the children as soon as possible, and marking work will be guided by the school’s Marking Policy. Teachers monitor progress and adjust their teaching accordingly through their weekly planning. Medium term plans are adapted based on assessments. Staff record attainment at end of unit points indicating if children are working below, at or exceeding expectations. 

Collecting evidence: 

Collecting of PSHE evidence is through observations and discussions with teaching staff to ensure consistent and coherent curriculum provision and through book looks. In Key Stage One, this is in the form of class floor books and for Key Stage Two, individual workbooks. The subject leader finds out pupils opinions about the teaching of PSHE and the content covered through interviewing selected pupils during lesson observations. The subject leader acts upon the comments and suggestions of pupils wherever possible. Teachers are to keep a record of baseline and end point assessments for each unit to assess the impact of the teaching. 

SEND in the curriculum:

Progression of Knowledge and Skills in PSHE and RSE

Useful Documents

Implementation of RSE at St Mary's

If you have any questions regarding the teaching of RSE at St Mary's or have questions from your child which they do not feel comfortable raising in class, please get in contact via the form below.