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The School Day

The core school day for Reception to Year 6 pupils is:

  • 8.50 to 3.20
  • Total time in school of 32.5 hours per week.

Typical timings for the school day at St Mary's are shown below.

8:30 Nursery opens
8:35 School Gates open

External doors open

Pupils start to enter the school building

Soft-start and morning work begins.


Registration, gates are locked.

Any child arriving at school after 8.50 is considered 'late' and should enter school by the main office.

10:15 Morning break (KS1)
10:15 Morning break (LKS2)
10:30 Morning break (UKS2)
11:30 Nursery Morning Collection, lunch club drop off
11:40 to 12:40 Reception lunch
12.00 to 1:00 Years 1 - 4 lunch
12:10 to 1:10 Years 5 - 6 lunch
12:15 Nursery Afternoon Drop off, lunch club collection
3:15 Gates open and Nursery Afternoon Collection
3:20 End of the school day