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Year 3

On Tuesdays and Thursdays we have PE.

On Wednesday 3rd July we have Forest School

A very warm welcome to the Year 3 website page. 

Throughout the year we will use this page to keep Year 3 children and adults up to date with our fantastic learning, photos and other important information. 

In Year 3, there are two classes:

Primroses - Miss King

Daffodils - Miss Smith

The Teaching Assistants are:   

Mrs Potts, Mrs Wing and Mr Cruz

A Typical Day in Year 3

PE Timetable and PE Kit

This term, our PE days are on Tuesday (Game on) and Thursday (Class PE).

On these days the children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit:

- White t-shirt / school PE shirt or house shirt

- Dark shorts / dark joggers and sweatshirt

- Plimsolls / Trainers. 

- If you have your ears pierced, studs will need to be removed or covered with tape; hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.

Please make sure all PE kit (as well as regular uniform) is labelled with your child's name. 

Forest School:

Our Forest School session will take place on alternate Wednesdays.

On the dates below children will be expected to come into school in appropriate clothing and trainers that they can get muddy. 

Our sessions for this half-term will be the following dates:

3rd July and 17th July


It is important that you stay hydrated throughout the day so please remember to bring in a water bottle. Break time snacks must only be fresh fruit or vegetables.


Home Learning

Homework is sent out on a Friday and needs to be back in on a Wednesday.


We expect the children to read at least three times a week. This should be recorded in their reading records and we ask parents to sign this weekly. Please ensure that your child has a current book, appropriate to their level and understanding. This could be a book from home or school.

If you aren't sure what book to read with your child, the Reader Teacher website has a recommended list for each year group. The link to the Year 3 recommended list is below:

Best Books for Year 3 | Ages 7-8 | The Reader Teacher          

Please send in your child's home-school reading diary on their designated day of the week for their book to be changed. Each child will be given a reading record which has their book changing day written on the front. Teachers and Teaching Assistants will read with the children to ensure that they are still on the correct reading band and will make the decision of when to move them on.

''There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” 

              – Walt Disney

Reading Eggs

In Year 3, we would like all children to participate with our fun and interactive Reading Eggs programme, both at home and in school. All children should be encouraged to enjoy 35 minutes of Reading Eggs at home every week, including one reading lesson. Please feel free to extend your learning for even longer! Your teacher will be able to see all of your hard work. The children can play games, complete puzzles, read stories, write their own stories and complete reading and spelling lessons all whilst earning awards and styling their own Reading Egg character. 

You will find your login details in your purple home learning book. Quick, log in now to start the fun!

For more information follow the link below to our Reading Eggs page on our website.


  • Online Safety
    Activities for pupils to learn how to be safe when online