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Forest School

Forest school offers all children the opportunity to develop self-esteem and confidence whilst participating in hands-on learning at our on site Forest School.

All children who attend St Mary's School will have the opportunity to participate in Forest School sessions led by Ms. Tennies, Level 3 Forest School Practitioner. 


The Forest School approach to learning has been based upon practice observed in Denmark. This practice follows a child led philosophy which puts the child at the heart of their learning. Children decide on their path of learning and are supported adults who observe, model and scaffold them taking into account how each child learns.

Children will be participating in real life experiences and learning how to overcome problems as they arise. They will be taught specific skills and techniques and understand how to work safely in the outdoor environment. They will experience risks and learn how to draw upon their own strengths and capabilities to overcome problems that they may face.

This way of working will develop their children’s independence, confidence and resilience. It will also improve their communication skills, problem solving skills and their motivation. These skills and attributes the children develop will help them throughout their life.

Taking part in Forest School Sessions will also promote a healthy lifestyle by spending time outdoors which helps keep children physically healthy and mentally and emotionally happy.