Year 1
Find out more about Year 1 here!
There are two classes in Year 1:
Tulips - Mrs Hoaen and Roses - Miss Blackman
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Miss Shelomi, Miss Tovey, Mrs Gordon
Useful Information:
Please ensure your child brings in a coat with a hood every day (we go outside even when it's raining)! Please provide them with hats/gloves/scarf in the colder months and a sun hat in the summer.
Children can bring in a book bag to store letters etc - no rucksacks please as we have limited space.
No stationery items will be needed in Year 1 - we have everything your child will need in school.
Most importantly, please make sure that all uniform and other items are clearly named - this means that lost property can be returned quickly and easily.
PE Days - Monday and Tuesday
PE Kit: White t-shirt/ school PE shirt or house shirt; dark shorts; dark joggers and sweatshirt; trainers
Children will need to wear their PE kit into school on these days.
Drinks and Snacks:
It is important that your child remains hydrated throughout the day, so please remember to bring in a water bottle. NO JUICE PLEASE. Break time fruit is provided.
Forest School:
Our Forest School sessions will take place every other Friday afternoon:
Friday 8th November, Friday 22nd November, Friday 6th December 2024
On these days, your child will need to come into school wearing normal school uniform (legs covered). You will need to provide a pair of trainers or wellies and a waterproof coat. Please only send your child in with footwear that you do not mind getting dirty - we can get very muddy as the weather changes! All-in-one suits and waterproof trousers are also suitable, but not essential. Forest School kit can be left in school if not needed at home.
Meet the Teacher Meeting Presentations (Year 1 2024-2025)
Our Autumn term topic is Paddington Bear.
Here are the subjects we will be covering:
We will be learning about:
-Addition and Subtraction within 10
-Geometry - Shape
-Place Value to 20
Science - Materials
We will be:
-Learning to describe an object and distinguish it from the material it is made from
-Identifying different materials and talking about their properties
-Grouping and comparing different materials based on their physical properties
-Testing materials to see if they are waterproof, magnetic and if they float or sink.
Geography - The UK and Peru
We will be:
-Talking about our experiences of living in the UK.
-Identifying features and amenities in our local area.
-Naming and identifying the countries that make up the UK.
-Identifying Peru on a world map and exploring its human and physical features.
-Comparing how our lives are different from those living in Peru.
RE - The Christmas Story
We will be:
-Giving a simple account of the story of Jesus' birth.
-Exploring why Jesus is important to Christians and how his birth guides their beliefs and actions at Christmas.
-Deciding what we have to be thankful for at Christmas time.
PE - Sending and Receiving
We will be:
-Rolling and throwing a ball towards a target.
-Receiving a rolling ball and developing our tracking skills.
-Sending and receiving a ball with our feet.
-Developing our throwing and catching skills over a short distance.
-Developing our throwing and catching skills over a longer distance.
-Applying our sending and receiving skills to small games.
PSHE - What Makes Us Special?
We will be:
-Talking about our own interests and hobbies.
-Considering the question 'What makes you, you?'
-Celebrating the differences between us all including discussions around respect, diversity and individuality.
Music - Christmas Songs
We will be:
-Learning and practising the words for songs we will perform.
-Finding and keeping a steady beat.
-Singing and recognising high and low notes in a song.
-Incorporating actions as we sing.
-Singing together as a group and performing the songs we have learnt.
ICT- Technology around us
We will be:
-Learning how to log on to the desktop computers.
-Locating examples of technology around school and at home.
-Using the mouse to click and drag and then to create a picture.
-Using the keyboard to create text.
Design and Technology
We will be:
-Designing a healthy sandwich.
-Writing simple instructions on how to make a sandwich.
-Learning how to use equipment safely.
-Following simple instructions to make a sandwich.
-Testing and evaluating our sandwich once we have made it.
Reading at Home:
Each week your child will be given a reading book to read at home. Try to make some time for reading every day, whether this is listening to your child read or reading a book to them. We will change your child’s book on a Monday, so please ensure reading books are signed and returned each Monday.
We will be having a weekly library session every Friday. Each week your child will be able to borrow a library book to read at home for the week. If your child has any old books from Early Years please make sure that these are returned as soon as possible.
Year 1 Recommended Reads!
100 must-read books for Year 1 - follow the link to take a look!
Home Learning:
We will be sending your child home with a grid of home learning activities at the start of each half term. You and your child will then choose a task to do each week (there will be plenty of activities to choose from, but you don't need to complete all of them)!
Hand in your home learning folder by the following Wednesday and we will return it to you on Fridays.